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The Rescue

Young Jimmy enjoys going to play in the park near his home. The water birds are always there, either swimming on or resting around the lake. Jimmy often sits on the grassy bank beside the lake and watches the ducks swim. The ducks dive below the water to look for food and Jimmy laughs when he sees the ducks' feet protruding from the water. Sometimes younger children come to the lake with their parents and bring bread to feed to the ducks. No one seems to take any notice of the many signs around the park that tell people not to feed the ducks. Jimmy wants to shout at everyone and tell them that wild birds eat weeds and insects, not bread.

Jimmy sees a mother duck with her ducklings and pauses to get a better look at them. Mother duck comes and stands close to Jimmy. He notices that the mother duck is nervous and that she often looks back into the tall bulrushes growing at the edge of the lake. Six of the ducklings are with her on the bank but the smallest one is in trouble, it's struggling to get through the reeds. Jimmy can see that the poor little duckling is not going to be able to free himself without help. Quickly he takes off his shoes and socks and rolls up his trouser legs. Jimmy makes his way through the tangle of grasses and gently scoops up the tiny duckling; just as it is about to give up its struggle to live. He places the duckling on the grassy bank and feels an enormous thrill of excitement when he sees the mother duck look him over and then happily continue on around the lake with her little family following behind.

Jimmy can't feel his frozen feet, and he has some scratches on his arms and legs. He quickly puts on his socks and shoes. He hurries home to tell his mother about his adventure in the park, his heart is bursting with joy. He can still feel the soft downy feathers and fast beating heart of the tiny duckling in his hands. Young Jimmy will forever treasure his delightful experience in the park.

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